Custom Tools & Tech Designed

Custom Tools

VERA - Voice Export Results Analysis Software

This tool is designed & conceptualized by Me,
Tsugi have been commissioned to build the tool.

VERA is an automated folder based loudness analysis software

It’s main purpose to allow voice designers to only check through production ready assets so that they do not waste time finding bad exports or files in the wrong format & wrong loudness specs.

It can identify issues such as
1) Multichannel Files & Format
2) Sampling Rate & Bit Depth
3) Silence duration
4) Loudness Analysis (R128)

1)Multiple Loudness Specifications can be assigned to watch folders
2)Automatically run when new files are added to watch folders
3)Auto Move files based on results
4)Export to External Editor such as RX & Reaper
5)Built in Loudness Correction modules

QC Workflow

This workflow was built by me to help speed up our QC process at Ubisoft Singapore.

This have greatly sped up the entire QC process while having every select & alt takes ready to be audition and easily be used as master or even flagging issues with it.

This workflow consist of multiple scripts that were built by me to do the following:
1) Set items to x color
2) Move items of X color to corresponding tracks
3) Line Up Alts to Selects / Start of Regions

Line Up all takes
1) Automatically align selects and alts vertically
2) Create multiple child tracks for alt takes

Toggle Solo between Selects & Alts
1) Quickly Toggle solo between Select and Alts
2) Takes into account how many Alts on child tracks per region/time selection

Loudness Analysis based on project specs & reaper session name

Render Matrix Sanity Checker
1) Prevents more than 1 file within a region on a track
2) Move items that are in front or middle of the region to start of region
3) Extend regions if need be
4) Clear region matrix before starting checks

Custom Reaper Scripts & Workflows

Diff & Update Markers based on Excel Recording Sheets

This is essential to our QC pipeline that i’ve built whereby importing the recording sheet will update the reaper markers to have the latest text or if there are any changes in the actual recording session itself.

This basically compares whats in Reaper and whats in the Excel columns,

Select Items and Create New Regions & Resize Existing Regions

This workflow is great to immediately create regions based on item selection without users having to manually create and resize regions one by one.

SFX & ONO Variation Alignment

This workflow is great for ensuring all SFX variation assets are all timed to a master reference

For example: variations for ONOs with a Yeah! at the end can all be timed correctly and easily.

Search & Rename/Update Regions

This script allows users to quickly search & replace found words in regions while adding prefixes & suffixes easily.

This is useful if you need to batch edit region names for SFX / VO to include a particular suffix such as _Element Fire